Innovation Insights

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Cultivated meat’s winning formula
Dr Catherine Elton from Qkine discusses the company's growth factors for cell-cultivated meat

Swift novel food authorizations: how to leverage a rapid, positive EFSA opinion on the safety of a novel food
Pen + Tec's Nikolaas Tilkin-Franssens provides some comprehensive advice for a novel foods dossier

High-performance line for vegetarian and vegan cocktail products in alginate casings
What are the production options for manufacturers of vegan sausages? Handtmann offers some solutions

From soil to superfood: how elemental analysis is transforming plant protein research
We catch up with Joseph Thomas, CEO of Elementar Americas to discuss plant protein analysis

Future-proofing the supply of the world’s most versatile and functional food ingredient
How Onego Bio has cracked the code for eggs with precision fermentation

Thinking and implementing sustainability holistically with the Sustainable Business Value approach
Why has Merck reviewed its cultured meat activities and their impact using the SBV method?

Revolutionizing health: plant-based dairy alternatives take the lead
How can plant-based brands balance taste, texture, nutrition and sustainability? Ingredion knows...

Microalgae: a sustainable solution to our growing nutritional needs
We get to know Eugene Wang, the CEO & Co-founder of Sophie's Bionutrients

Cultivated meat’s path to parity: a techno-economic analysis
Yossi Quint from Ark Biotech reveals what needs to happen to reduce the cost of cell-based meat

Cutting-edge plant-based expression and production of proteins
How Leaf uses its proprietary expression technology to produce proteins such as growth factors

Meeting demand with sustainable and nutritious plant-based proteins
Ingredion's Brian Nash looks at the challenges around launching sustainable, plant-based products

Feed the world
ENOUGH's John Gray asks if fermentation-derived proteins can fill the protein gap

When data met protein
With the alt protein market growing rapidly, carbon data is quickly becoming a key tool for success

The regulation of alternative proteins around the world: who’s holding the recipe to success?
Pen + Tec experts analyze the need for clear regulatory frameworks for novel foods around the world

The complete package
MULTIVAC's Klaus Deniffel is grilled on the topic of packaging for alt protein companies

Bridging alternative protein investment gaps
What are the investment opportunities that exist in the sector even during these challenging times?

Sustainable nutrition
Looking at the upcycling of by-products such as brewer’s yeast for protein production

Production technology for a great variety of vegan sausage types
How processing technologies from Handtmann are helping vegan sausage makers keep up with demand

Plant-based production technologies that are fit for the future of food
How Vemag is supporting you in the production of food of the future with easy-to-operate machines

Development of microalgae milk and cheese alternatives
How do microalgae cheese and dairy alternatives compare to cow’s milk and cheese?

Is your business interested in commercializing alternative proteins?
A Pen & Tec expert takes you through the regulatory pathways to secure novel food approval

Protect then serve
How can IP be used to support growth and attract investment?

Production technology for the alternative proteins food sector
How Handtmann is supporting new food concepts and start-ups in alternative proteins

Alternative proteins: Innovating for the future
The design, development and industrialization of air handling systems for alt protein producers

Measuring the future: the impact of Process Analytical Technology on cultivated meat
Sensors and accessories to address the challenges of scaling up cultivated meat production
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